Thursday, September 22, 2016

What Makes Me Decide to Work in Kuwait?

The first time I told my husband of my plan to apply for a job in Kuwait he blurted out "are you crazy!?" He  freaked out more when I said I will apply for a household work, which means I would be a housemaid. I understood fully well why he freaked out like that and why he did not talk to me for days.

Kuwait being part of the Middle East is one of the countries known for violence and terrorism. Middle East in general is the most dangerous place to work overseas especially for Filipino women due to the many reported incidents of rape and sex slavery. To date, there is still a number of incidents reported regarding housemaids raped and killed by employers in the middle east. 

Well, I think I was crazy for braving Kuwait. I have enough means to live a not-so-hard life back  in the Philippines. I have my own house and a few monthly allowance.  Besides,  according to many,  I have no one to feed and support except for my dogs.  So what pushed me really to come work in Kuwait? There were a lot of reasons.

The main reason maybe,  as much as I can think of was uncertainty in relationship. Bored in marriage or marriage vs work. There was a lack of communication. For years I felt my husband's work was more important to him. He barely spared me his time...I felt neglected. I felt I was nothing but a burden on his shoulders. I reached a point of giving my marriage up and even thought of marrying someone else.  Funny, maybe shallow but true. I wasn't able to handle the distance, the dullness and the silence of our relationship. I got bored.  I thought i couldn't wait for another years that seemed to be endless. 

Second reason was to be productive  and to seek self-growth. I had been living a very unproductive life back in the Philippines. My routine was sleep - eat - get my fat ass fatter. Very boring, very unproductive, very stagnant life I had. I thought I needed to get my lazy butt up, do something and grow up. And like it was a heaven's plan,  this opportunity to work in Kuwait knocked on my door.

Third was to give in to the opportunity and to my mom's wish. An opportunity to come work in Kuwait knocked on my door at the right time. I got my passport and I wasn't able to leave for the US yet.  There was a conflict not with my papers but with the situation. So I heard I needed to wait for another two years. Oh well! Then my mother encouraged me to try other countries if I want to for the time being. That way I get my passport stamped and gain experience, although my mother didn't suggest the Middle East and the household work. So after a thorough thinking I decided to try Kuwait since it was the safest country in the Middle East as far as my investigation during that time. Its conflict between its neighboring country,  Iraq,  had ceased.  I passed my application on November, last year.  

Last reason was money. Of course! I needed a capital for my (small) business plan.  I long been wanting to build an internet cafe, I just wasn't able to materialize that plan because I was too busy wasting money on parties and outing with nonsense friends (not everyone). Hopefully after two years,  or when I get back to the Philippines, my internet cafe will be put up. Recently,  I invested on a food house named 4Chies Food House that offers mainly cakes and cupcakes with burgers and pizzas on the sides.  It is managed by my youngest sister. I helped out financially and so far the business is good.  Good job sissy! Praying for more success on 4Chies.  


John Gandola said...

Good luck I wish you all the best!
Ingat palagi!

Anonymous said...

I wish you all the best for your future!
Ingat palagi!
- John Gandola

Anonymous said...

db sis youve been married for the long time.. so very easy k na mkapunta ng US.. HALIKA na..

June 03: Empty Park Bench

 Today's challenge at FMS photo a day is Empty Park Bench. I have a lot of photos of park benches but here are my favorites. 1. This one...